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Drainage optimises harvest and yields

Better product quality
Why does the fruit from Grandma’s garden taste so much better than the mass produced greenhouse varieties? Of course, it’s because Grandma takes care of her garden. Her topsoil has more strength and substance. Because microorganisms thrive better there and have a positive effect on the nutrient content of the soil. And, the better the soil quality, the better the quality of the products that grow there.

Greater yields from better harvests
Proper drainage always brings about increased yields. These can be as much as 100% more. On average and depending on season, climate and rainfall, you can count on yield increases of up to:

• cereal crops: approximately 1200 kg/ha
• potatoes: at least 6000 kg/ha
• sugar/fodder beets: approximately 10,000 kg/ha

Last but not least, a competitive advantage:

The head start
Thank drainage for an early season! Because of higher soil temperatures (that result from improved aeration) fields can be worked earlier in the year. If your seeds are sown earlier, your plants have longer to flourish – or can be harvested earlier. And if you can harvest earlier, you can also bring the yields to the market earlier...

The advantages of agricultural drainage at a glance

Services & Benefits

Planning Präziser Dränageplan mit Hilfe von GPS für eine exakte Positionsbestimmung. read more...

Increased yields Mit einer Dränung erreichen Sie Erstragssteigerungen bis zu 100%. read more...

Instandhaltung Drainagerohr

Drainage installation Verlegung/ Installation von Drainagen auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen. read more...